At the end of October, London based Singer/Songwriter Dan Caleb announced the start of a new record label ‘In Support Of Records’ with the aim of “releasing songs and running gigs that address particular subject matters, and to raise money and awareness for related causes”. Friday 15th November marked the first night run by In Support Of Records and the release party for Dan’s latest single ‘One Last Song’ with all funds going towards Ovarian Cancer Action and treatment for Suzie Aries Immunotherapy Treatment for Ovarian Cancer.
It is awful weather aside, but the basement venue of The Finsborough Arms is warm and welcoming. Unfortunately we only catch the end of Harry Quinn’s set, but from the small section that we did hear, we can see that he has come along way over the past year and it was great to hear his songs backed by a live band instead of a loop pedal.
Next up on stage was the fabulous Georgia Maria. Despite seeing Georgia perform at countless gigs and open mics over the last few years, tonight marks the first time that we have ever heard her play any of her own original material. In preparation ahead of recording her debut EP, the audience were all handed the setlist and asked to choose our favourite songs from the night that we would like to hear recorded. From the eerie folk opener ‘Red Handed Man’ to the riff heavy metal closer ‘Blood So Cold’, the entire performance is captivating as Georgia takes the audience through a wild and varied journey that really shows off her range both vocally and stylistically. Notable moments include the ludicrously catchy folk ballad ‘Won’t You’ and the politically charged ‘Lord of Misrule’ which calls to mind bands like ‘Rage Against The Machine’ as much as ‘Fleetwood Mac’ and ‘Patti Smith’. After such a long time waiting to hear any original music from Georgia, there was a slight worry that we had built it up too much in our heads, but tonight confirms that fortunately that is not the case by a long shot.
After a short interval for a charity raffle, it is time for Dan Caleb to take to the stage. As with Georgia, we have seen Dan perform countless times over the past few years, but it is rare that we have been able to see a set longer than 3 songs at an open mic which makes tonights 9 song setlist even more special. Kicking things off with one of our personal favourites (the grunge influenced protest song ‘Free To Run’); Dan powers through a phenomenal performance that ranges from piano led melancholic ballads such as ‘Love Song Number 2’ and Elliott Smith cover ‘I didn’t Understand’ all the way to the electrifying ‘In My Dreams’ and Pearl Jam cover ‘Black’ accompanied by Georgia Maria on electric guitar. With every song we are blown away by the power behind Dan’s vocals as he fills the room without breaking a sweat whilst seemingly standing metres away from the microphone. The more trademark melancholic ballads pack as much of a punch as the rockier anthems as well with ‘An Ode To Envy’ being a particular standout moment with an hypnotic finger picking style and a staggering control over his vocal dynamic range. The night closes with a rendition of his latest single ‘One Last Song’; a powerful and solemn performance that acts a raw emotional outlet and a perfect way to end the set.
You can contribute to Suzie’s GoFundMe page: