There is an argument to be made that the best art comes from the most unexpected places and it is with this mentality that we would like to direct your attention to Venezuelan three-piece ‘Sulgogar’. Based in the town of Duaca, North of Buaquisimeto in Northern Venezuela; ‘Sulgogar’ are to the best of their knowledge, the only metal band in their surrounding area to date. If this truly is the case, then the trio have made sure that they will be heard on their debut record ‘Science Of Beyond’ as they smash together elements of thrash, black metal and death metal to create a nightmarish soundscape of extreme metal brutality.
Straight from the start ‘Sulgogar’ nail their colours to the wall with savage opening track ‘Femi-Nazis’ which combines the blinding speed of thrash with demonic death metal vocals. However it is from following song ‘Misión-Sobrepoblación’ onwards that the band really kick things into gear as the black metal influences are dialled up to 11 with tremolo guitars and savage blast beats. As the album progresses, the songs get heavier and faster, culminating in the jackhammer paced ‘Acechadores Intergalácticos’. Meanwhile, ‘Sulgogar’ effectively blend styles seamlessly between black metal and thrash to wonderful success on songs like ‘Socialista-Satanista’. It is startling to comprehend that this is the bands debut release, but we cannot wait to hear what they come up with next.
Personal Highlight: ‘Sulgogar’ are on mission to be heard with the ruthlessly heavy ‘Chupacabras’ that picks up the pace and ramps up the heaviness to a phenomenal level. The shredding guitar solos accompanied by the deliciously evil rhythm sections are enough to make you feel as though you are being torn apart limb from limb. Safe to say, this music is not for the faint hearted.