In 2017, LA quartet ‘Here Lies Man’ released their self-titled debut combining West African rhythm and harmony with riff based hard rock to make a more original sounding dance/trance style of music. Referring to themselves as “Sabbathy Afropop”, ‘Here Lies Man’ are back again already with their sophomore album ‘You Will Know Nothing’.
It is astounding to think that only a year has passed since the quartet entered the scene as ‘You Will Know Nothing’ is a far more developed release. It is clear that the band have grown more confident in their abilities as they demonstrate more variety and flexibility in their riffs and an overall more expansive approach to their song writing. Opening song ‘Animal Noises’ flies off the tracks with a ‘Led Zeppelin’ inspired riff that will inspire anyone to get up and dance. The 60’s vibes are strong throughout ‘You Will Know Nothing’, but this far from a nostalgia record as ‘Here Lies Man’ throw in more than enough originality to keep them from ever sounding dated. The traditional African style percussion stands out boldly throughout and makes this a perfect marriage of cultures. For anyone who heard last years debut release and found themselves liking the idea more than the execution, we highly recommend checking out this years follow-up as ‘You Will Know Nothing’ is a remarkable accomplishment and we are fascinated to see how ‘Here Lies Man’ will continue to develop their sound over the coming years.
Personal Highlight: Closing track ‘Helll (Wooly Tail)’ ramps up the ‘Black Sabbath’ influences with one of the rockiest and catchiest riffs of the record. We challenge anyone to listen to this without swaying their hips and dancing along.