‘Perversion’ is the final act of a trilogy of EP’s from Swedish thrash/black metal crossover quartet ‘Corpsehammer’. Following last years predominantly black metal ‘Posesión’, 2018 sees the Swedes ramp up the thrash influences for the final act. Over the course of 10 minutes, ‘Corpsehammer’ smash their way through four tracks of demonic mayhem. Opening track ‘Reino - Sangre Del Diablo’ starts off with sinister atmospherics accompanied by a horrifying spoken word monologue. So far, so cliche; however ‘Corpsehammer’ are not attempting to try anything new but to pay tribute to the bands that have stood before them. In this respect, ‘Perversion’ is a success, ’Corpsehammer’ retain enough individual personality within the three songs and final atmospheric outro track whilst simultaneously preserving the hallmarks of classic 90’s extreme metal.
Personal highlight: Second track ‘Rito & Magia’ finds the perfect balance between traditional black metal and thrash with a highly infectious lead riff that underlines the delightfully horrific vocals.