A few weeks ago Spirit Level reviewed 'Invincible', the new single from 'New Blow's upcoming EP 'Flame'; stating "Their latest single sets the bar high for what promises to be a very exciting band". Since then we have been fortunate enough to get a sneak peak to 'Flame' ahead of its release next week. Considering our high praise for 'Invincible', it is doubly impressive that it is nowhere near the best song on the five track record.
Opening track 'Never Back Down' kicks off with a soothing and melancholic performance from vocalist Dauphine Tauvel on both vocals and piano, before the rest of the band kick in. Once again Pierre Turpin's signature bass tone stands front and center, but the bass riffs would be nothing without the melodic guitars of Jeremy Martineau and the tight rhythm of Sebastien Thys on drums whilst Tauvel's eclectic vocals soar over the tracks. 'Never Back Down' comes across as a gothic bond theme that gets rockier and adds more bite as it progresses. Interspersed with soundbites from motivational speaker Les Brown, 'Flame' starts on a powerfully uplifting note that continues throughout.
For fans who may be worrying if 'New Blow' are heading into a poppier direction than their previous record 'Escape The Earth' then the following track 'Brothers In Arms' will soon put their fears at bay. Tauvel channels 'Red Hot Chili Peppers' in her vocal style whilst the stoner fuzz on Turpin's bass is turned up to 11 on the chorus. Throughout the whole EP every song sounds huge as 'New Blow' merge a wide variety of genres together into one massive mixing pot. Tauvel shows the full extent of her talents on the massive chorus's, but also on the more serene moments such as on ballad 'Roses'.
It is astounding to think that 'New Blow' have only been playing together for just over a year as they continue to up their game. With a slot at Brighton's Great Escape festival later in May, it can't be long before they are fully embraced by the UK rock community.
Personal Highlight: Following straight on from 'Roses', 'Losing Control' is the perfect amalgamation of all that 'New Blow' excel at. Once again Tauvel's voice shines through whilst Martineau's intricate guitar melodies add an extra dimension to the song. Tupin demonstrates a level of skill previously unheard in his bass playing with a wonderful slap bass breakdown.
'Flame' is released on the 13th May 2018