'Death Goals' first came to our attention at the end of March when we caught them at The Black Heart supporting 'COPE' and we were blown away by the level of showmanship and creativity within their short set. After recording a split with death metal 'Pupil Slicer' and a live EP towards the end of 2017, this week sees the bands first release of 2018 with the catchily titled 'STACEYLETMESEEYOURSTEGOSAURUS'.
Punk rock and hardcore bands have always excelled at writing short songs, however it is still an extremely impressive accomplishment to release a song that is over before you have finished reading the title! With a running time of 53 seconds, half of the track is a recording from cult TV comedy series 'The Mighty Boosh' which leaves just 27 seconds for the rest of the song.
Don't let the short length deceive you though, 'STACEYLETMESEEYOURSTEGOSAURUS' is exactly as long as it needs to be. Kicking off with a hulking guitar riff, singer and vocalist Harry Bailey launches into his ferocious vocals screaming "Tell life that it's not a fucking race. I'm so sick and tired. Watching time slip through my hands". In three simple lines, 'Death Goals' manage to encapsulate their frustration at the fast-paced and impatient lifestyles of modern society better than some bands manage in an entire album.
Not only is this 'Death Goals' most entertaining song to date, it is also their heaviest. The final riffs played against William Taylor's merciless drumming feels like a shotgun blast to the face. 'Death Goals' are as exciting on record as they are live and we hope to hear more in the near future.