It would appear that two is the new three. In the short time period that Spirit Level have been reviewing bands we have seen an ever growing roster of two-piece punk bands kicking ass with the likes of ‘Haggard Cat’, ‘Survival Code’ and ‘Death Goals’. Joining the fray with their self-titled debut EP is Dublin based duo ‘Vulpynes’.
With just four tracks spanning a total of twelve minutes, the EP is a condensed package of pure fucking punk rock. We are instantly hit with a wall of sound as opening track ‘Sublingual’ wastes no time messing about. Guitarist and vocalist Maeve Molly plays gloriously dirty riffs and her vocals soar over the top as she screams to be heard. Kaz’s drumming is equally as loud, but the production never sounds messy. The riffs continue with ‘Terry Said’ a song of nursery rhyme simplicity but unavoidably catchy. Molly ramps up the bass and fuzz for ‘Silica’ which is bone shatteringly heavy, yet still catchy enough to draw in any outsiders. The EP closes with a classic punk rock style with ‘OCD’. If you don’t listen to this EP at full volume then you are doing both the band and yourself a huge disservice.
Personal highlight: There isn’t a single moment where ‘Vulpynes’ pause for breath, but closing track ‘OCD’ takes the band to new levels of punk ferocity. It is impossible to imagine people not going wild when this is played live.