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One of the many gems that are continuously emerging out of DIY label Holy Roar, Svalbard are a Melodic Hardcore band hailing from Bristol. Their latest single Unpaid Intern is our first glimpse into what to expect from their long awaited second record It’s Hard To Have Hope.

One of the most exciting aspects of Svalbard’s debut record One Day All This Will End was how difficult they were to pinpoint to any specific genre. Identified predominantly as Melodic Hardcore, they arguably share as much with both Black Metal and Post Rock. Sub-genres aside; one thing is for certain, Unpaid Intern is definitely a Svalbard song!

The track opens with a sinister yet earth shattering riff that continues throughout, yet the moment Serena Cherry’s vocals blast through our eardrums, we are also introduced to the trademark Svalbard sound of high pitched melodic strumming over the top of the rhythm guitar. Accompanied by the relentless pounding drums, it is impossible not to be instantly sucked in and find yourself furiously chanting along to the main vocal hook of “Can’t you see”. Serena Cherry has never been someone to hide behind metaphors or avoid sensitive subjects and in Unpaid Intern she dives headfirst into raising the issues that affect so many people trying to find work in the current climate with lyrics such as “You can only have this work experience if you can afford to work for free … Can’t you see how this prevents the poor from opportunities?”. With the upcoming record featuring track titles such as Revenge Porn and Feminazi, it is clear that Svalbard still has a lot to say and isn’t afraid to say it. With Unpaid Intern listed as the opening track to the upcoming record, It’s Hard To Hope promises to be a continuation yet also a dramatic improvement on their earlier output. An incredible statement of intent that leaves you desperate for more. 5/5 It’s Hard To Hope is scheduled for release on the 25th May 2018

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